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Commercial Services & Supplies (Industrials)


Which company is the richest in the Commercial Services & Supplies industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdBookValue (MRQ)
1IRCTC.BSEIndian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd36819587821.1%
25184.KLSECypark Resources Berhad26913371615.4%
37129.KLSEAsia File Corporation Bhd17404937510.0%
40128.KLSEFrontken Corporation Bhd1545818648.9%
53107.KLSEFima Corporation Bhd1298494667.4%
67241.KLSENextgreen Global Bhd938828535.4%
77374.KLSETien Wah Press Holdings Bhd672667263.9%
80213.KLSEMtag Group Berhad499656602.9%
90024.KLSEJAG Bhd479830602.7%
100039.KLSEGFM Services Bhd471584522.7%
110089.KLSETex Cycle Technology M Bhd416639832.4%
128044.KLSEComputer Forms (Malaysia) Bhd268934631.5%
13LINC.BSELinc Ltd-$234671051.3%
149423.KLSECWG Holdings Bhd227888091.3%
158052.KLSECentral Industrial Corp215873211.2%
167017.KLSEKomarkcorp Bhd214660291.2%
170160.KLSEHiap Huat Holdings Bhd214276911.2%
180011.KLSEBrite Tech Bhd204683391.2%
197201.KLSEProgressive Impact Corporation Bhd183328341.0%
20GRC.WARGrupa Recykl SA176553501.0%
217208.KLSEEuro Holdings Bhd153251910.9%
235231.KLSEPelikan International Corp147427190.8%
247223.KLSEJadi Imaging Holdings Bhd142772800.8%
25CFS.WARCentrum Finansowe Banku BPS SA114773700.7%
260191.KLSECabnet Holdings Bhd114294920.7%
27GTS.WARGeotrans SA73698980.4%
28OVT.AUOvato Ltd70310730.4%
297315.KLSEAHB Holdings Bhd62869240.4%
300167.KLSEMClean Technologies Bhd59406270.3%

Most Revenue

Which company has the highest revenue in the Commercial Services & Supplies industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdRevenue (TTM)
1IRCTC.BSEIndian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd48675276561.9%
2LINC.BSELinc Ltd-$574333037.3%
35184.KLSECypark Resources Berhad412328465.2%
40128.KLSEFrontken Corporation Bhd308966663.9%
67374.KLSETien Wah Press Holdings Bhd161820272.1%
77129.KLSEAsia File Corporation Bhd159870902.0%
80024.KLSEJAG Bhd126323691.6%
93107.KLSEFima Corporation Bhd112026011.4%
100039.KLSEGFM Services Bhd111847791.4%
110191.KLSECabnet Holdings Bhd96286161.2%
127017.KLSEKomarkcorp Bhd91341321.2%
13GRC.WARGrupa Recykl SA83225951.1%
148052.KLSECentral Industrial Corp79217011.0%
150160.KLSEHiap Huat Holdings Bhd57613820.7%
167201.KLSEProgressive Impact Corporation Bhd54621080.7%
170213.KLSEMtag Group Berhad53444510.7%
18CFS.WARCentrum Finansowe Banku BPS SA53176890.7%
197208.KLSEEuro Holdings Bhd38603320.5%
20OVT.AUOvato Ltd37527810.5%
219423.KLSECWG Holdings Bhd37414670.5%
220167.KLSEMClean Technologies Bhd32329510.4%
237241.KLSENextgreen Global Bhd30421790.4%
247315.KLSEAHB Holdings Bhd22877230.3%
250089.KLSETex Cycle Technology M Bhd20215480.3%
265231.KLSEPelikan International Corp18105830.2%
270011.KLSEBrite Tech Bhd15714580.2%
287223.KLSEJadi Imaging Holdings Bhd15029090.2%
298044.KLSEComputer Forms (Malaysia) Bhd13694140.2%
30GTS.WARGeotrans SA11197410.1%

Most Profit

Which company makes the most money in the Commercial Services & Supplies industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdProfit (TTM)
1IRCTC.BSEIndian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd126662812112.0%
20128.KLSEFrontken Corporation Bhd71977456.4%
3LINC.BSELinc Ltd-$38996323.4%
4CFS.WARCentrum Finansowe Banku BPS SA20483111.8%
50039.KLSEGFM Services Bhd16774781.5%
67129.KLSEAsia File Corporation Bhd16203831.4%
73107.KLSEFima Corporation Bhd15228221.3%
87241.KLSENextgreen Global Bhd15197631.3%
90089.KLSETex Cycle Technology M Bhd10636880.9%
100213.KLSEMtag Group Berhad8917140.8%
11GRC.WARGrupa Recykl SA8264470.7%
120011.KLSEBrite Tech Bhd4269900.4%
137374.KLSETien Wah Press Holdings Bhd3922380.3%
140024.KLSEJAG Bhd2762410.2%
150160.KLSEHiap Huat Holdings Bhd2532780.2%
16GTS.WARGeotrans SA2084820.2%
170191.KLSECabnet Holdings Bhd1693340.1%
190167.KLSEMClean Technologies Bhd1083830.1%
209423.KLSECWG Holdings Bhd-161628-0.1%
217201.KLSEProgressive Impact Corporation Bhd-251216-0.2%
228044.KLSEComputer Forms (Malaysia) Bhd-272347-0.2%
237208.KLSEEuro Holdings Bhd-583200-0.5%
247017.KLSEKomarkcorp Bhd-1067192-0.9%
257223.KLSEJadi Imaging Holdings Bhd-1576394-1.4%
267315.KLSEAHB Holdings Bhd-2038317-1.8%
278052.KLSECentral Industrial Corp-2484353-2.2%
28OVT.AUOvato Ltd-3693729-3.3%
295231.KLSEPelikan International Corp-5830433-5.2%
305184.KLSECypark Resources Berhad-19843269-17.5%

Most Efficient

Which company is the most efficient in making money in the Commercial Services & Supplies industry?

#SymbolCompanyNet Profit Margin (TTM)
15231.KLSEPelikan International Corp0.931153.6%
27241.KLSENextgreen Global Bhd0.699115.3%
30089.KLSETex Cycle Technology M Bhd0.54289.4%
4CFS.WARCentrum Finansowe Banku BPS SA0.38563.5%
50011.KLSEBrite Tech Bhd0.26944.4%
6IRCTC.BSEIndian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd0.26042.9%
70128.KLSEFrontken Corporation Bhd0.23338.4%
8GTS.WARGeotrans SA0.17829.4%
90213.KLSEMtag Group Berhad0.16727.6%
100039.KLSEGFM Services Bhd0.15124.9%
113107.KLSEFima Corporation Bhd0.14123.3%
127129.KLSEAsia File Corporation Bhd0.09916.3%
13GRC.WARGrupa Recykl SA0.09716.0%
14LINC.BSELinc Ltd-$0.06811.2%
150160.KLSEHiap Huat Holdings Bhd0.0437.1%
160167.KLSEMClean Technologies Bhd0.0294.8%
170024.KLSEJAG Bhd0.0244.0%
187374.KLSETien Wah Press Holdings Bhd0.0244.0%
190191.KLSECabnet Holdings Bhd0.0203.3%
217201.KLSEProgressive Impact Corporation Bhd-0.046-15.2%
229423.KLSECWG Holdings Bhd-0.051-16.8%
237017.KLSEKomarkcorp Bhd-0.117-38.6%
248052.KLSECentral Industrial Corp-0.243-80.2%
258044.KLSEComputer Forms (Malaysia) Bhd-0.264-87.1%
265184.KLSECypark Resources Berhad-0.481-158.7%
277208.KLSEEuro Holdings Bhd-0.497-164.0%
287315.KLSEAHB Holdings Bhd-0.891-294.1%
29OVT.AUOvato Ltd-0.984-324.8%
307223.KLSEJadi Imaging Holdings Bhd-1.098-362.4%
SymbolName ExchangeCountrySectorIndustryMost recent quarterFundamental Score 
0011.KLSEBrite Tech BhdKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsPollution & Treatment Controls2024-09-30
0024.KLSEJAG BhdKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsWaste Management2024-09-30
0039.KLSEGFM Services BhdKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsSpecialty Business Services2024-09-30
0089.KLSETex Cycle Technology M BhdKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsWaste Management2024-09-30
0128.KLSEFrontken Corporation BhdKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsSpecialty Business Services2024-09-30
0160.KLSEHiap Huat Holdings BhdKLSEMalaysiaEnergyOil & Gas Refining & Marketing2024-09-30
0167.KLSEMClean Technologies BhdKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsSpecialty Business Services2024-09-30
0191.KLSECabnet Holdings BhdKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsEngineering & Construction2024-11-30
0213.KLSEMtag Group BerhadKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsSpecialty Business Services2024-09-30
3107.KLSEFima Corporation BhdKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsSpecialty Business Services2024-09-30
5184.KLSECypark Resources BerhadKLSEMalaysiaUtilitiesUtilities - Renewable2024-07-31
5231.KLSEPelikan International CorpKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsSpecialty Business Services2024-09-30
7017.KLSEKomarkcorp BhdKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsSpecialty Business Services2024-07-31
7129.KLSEAsia File Corporation BhdKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsBusiness Equipment & Supplies2024-09-30
7201.KLSEProgressive Impact Corporation BhdKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsWaste Management2024-09-30
7208.KLSEEuro Holdings BhdKLSEMalaysiaConsumer CyclicalFurnishings, Fixtures & Appliances2024-09-30
7223.KLSEJadi Imaging Holdings BhdKLSEMalaysiaBasic MaterialsSpecialty Chemicals2024-09-30
7241.KLSENextgreen Global BhdKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsSpecialty Business Services2024-09-30
7315.KLSEAHB Holdings BhdKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsConglomerates2024-09-30
7374.KLSETien Wah Press Holdings BhdKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsSpecialty Business Services2024-09-30
8044.KLSEComputer Forms (Malaysia) BhdKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsSpecialty Business Services2024-09-30
8052.KLSECentral Industrial CorpKLSEMalaysiaBasic MaterialsSpecialty Chemicals2024-09-30
9423.KLSECWG Holdings BhdKLSEMalaysiaBasic MaterialsPaper & Paper Products2024-09-30
BLT.WARBalticonWARPolandIndustrialsProfessional & Commercial Services2024-09-30
CFS.WARCentrum Finansowe Banku BPS SAWARPolandFinancialsBanking Services2024-06-30
GRC.WARGrupa Recykl SAWARPolandConsumer CyclicalAutomobiles & Auto Parts2024-09-30
GTS.WARGeotrans SAWARPolandIndustrialsProfessional & Commercial Services2024-09-30
IRCTC.BSEIndian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation LtdBSEIndiaIndustrialsRailroads2024-09-30
LINC.BSELinc Ltd-$BSEIndiaIndustrialsBusiness Equipment & Supplies2024-09-30
OVT.AUOvato LtdAUAustraliaTechnologySoftware - Infrastructure2024-06-30
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Usd Enterprise Value (TTM)

Ev To Sales Ratio (TTM)

Enterprise Value (TTM)

Usd Market Cap (TTM)

Market Cap (TTM)

Price To Free Cash Flow Ratio (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow To Equity Per Share (TTM)

Free Cash Flow To Equity Per Share (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow Per Share (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow (TTM)

Free Cash Flow Per Share (TTM)

Usd Eps (TTM)

Usd Total Gains Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value Change Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value Per Share (TTM)

Usd Price Per Share (TTM)

Usd Revenue (TTM)

Price To Total Gains Ratio (TTM)

Total Gains Per Share (TTM)

Book Value Change Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value (TTM)

Usd Profit (TTM)

Price Per Share (TTM)

Pb Ratio (TTM)

Return On Equity (TTM)

Return On Assets (TTM)

Operating Ratio (TTM)

Gross Profit Margin (TTM)

Net Profit Margin (TTM)

Debt To Equity Ratio (TTM)

Debt To Asset Ratio (TTM)

Quick Ratio (TTM)

Current Ratio (TTM)

Book Value Per Share (TTM)

Pe Ratio (TTM)

Eps (TTM)

Usd Dividend Per Share (TTM)

Dividend Per Share (TTM)

Ev To Ebitda Ratio (TTM)

Operating Margin (TTM)


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