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Industrial Conglomerates (Industrials)


Which company is the richest in the Industrial Conglomerates industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdBookValue (MRQ)
1AC.PSEAyala Corp631347549919.4%
24197.KLSESime Darby Bhd507054710015.6%
3AEV.PSEAboitiz Equity Ventures Inc440656476713.5%
45211.KLSESunway Bhd366968727811.3%
5LTG.PSELT Group Inc342013157510.5%
63034.KLSEHap Seng Consolidated Bhd21586904516.6%
73395.KLSEBerjaya Corporation Bhd21214727856.5%
8DMC.PSEDMCI Holdings Inc17793641495.5%
10INDHF.PINKINDUS Holding AG7082350002.2%
113301.KLSEHong Leong Industries Bhd5576824671.7%
126491.KLSEKumpulan Fima Bhd2740960140.8%
132607.KLSEInch Kenneth Kajang Rubber PLC1311496130.4%
141481.KLSEAdvance Synergy Bhd1004865800.3%
155016.KLSEWarisan TC Holdings Bhd575725540.2%
168702.KLSETexchem Resources Bhd436070700.1%
170068.KLSEAsdion Bhd25653790.0%

Most Revenue

Which company has the highest revenue in the Industrial Conglomerates industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdRevenue (TTM)
1AEV.PSEAboitiz Equity Ventures Inc527614611322.2%
2AC.PSEAyala Corp453771180919.1%
34197.KLSESime Darby Bhd407029400017.1%
4DMC.PSEDMCI Holdings Inc245271472010.3%
53395.KLSEBerjaya Corporation Bhd22989613059.7%
7LTG.PSELT Group Inc17349970587.3%
8INDHF.PINKINDUS Holding AG4481516211.9%
95211.KLSESunway Bhd4029358601.7%
103034.KLSEHap Seng Consolidated Bhd3156633781.3%
113301.KLSEHong Leong Industries Bhd1826037360.8%
128702.KLSETexchem Resources Bhd622435920.3%
136491.KLSEKumpulan Fima Bhd390556790.2%
145016.KLSEWarisan TC Holdings Bhd291339380.1%
151481.KLSEAdvance Synergy Bhd149846530.1%
162607.KLSEInch Kenneth Kajang Rubber PLC39488230.0%
170068.KLSEAsdion Bhd8746410.0%

Most Profit

Which company makes the most money in the Industrial Conglomerates industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdProfit (TTM)
1DMC.PSEDMCI Holdings Inc53470472523.2%
2AC.PSEAyala Corp47124200520.5%
3LTG.PSELT Group Inc43236328018.8%
4AEV.PSEAboitiz Equity Ventures Inc42703124618.5%
54197.KLSESime Darby Bhd2003810758.7%
63395.KLSEBerjaya Corporation Bhd977442594.2%
75211.KLSESunway Bhd617994722.7%
83034.KLSEHap Seng Consolidated Bhd306456561.3%
93301.KLSEHong Leong Industries Bhd251138391.1%
10INDHF.PINKINDUS Holding AG160377290.7%
126491.KLSEKumpulan Fima Bhd57875210.3%
138702.KLSETexchem Resources Bhd-1619800.0%
145016.KLSEWarisan TC Holdings Bhd-7154350.0%
150068.KLSEAsdion Bhd-9226940.0%
162607.KLSEInch Kenneth Kajang Rubber PLC-1379479-0.1%
171481.KLSEAdvance Synergy Bhd-3740181-0.2%

Most Efficient

Which company is the most efficient in making money in the Industrial Conglomerates industry?

#SymbolCompanyNet Profit Margin (TTM)
1LTG.PSELT Group Inc0.24936.1%
2DMC.PSEDMCI Holdings Inc0.21831.6%
35211.KLSESunway Bhd0.15222.0%
46491.KLSEKumpulan Fima Bhd0.15121.9%
53301.KLSEHong Leong Industries Bhd0.13719.9%
6AC.PSEAyala Corp0.10415.1%
73034.KLSEHap Seng Consolidated Bhd0.09613.9%
8AEV.PSEAboitiz Equity Ventures Inc0.08111.7%
94197.KLSESime Darby Bhd0.0537.7%
103395.KLSEBerjaya Corporation Bhd0.0436.2%
11INDHF.PINKINDUS Holding AG0.0365.2%
138702.KLSETexchem Resources Bhd-0.003-0.9%
145016.KLSEWarisan TC Holdings Bhd-0.026-7.5%
151481.KLSEAdvance Synergy Bhd-0.236-68.4%
162607.KLSEInch Kenneth Kajang Rubber PLC-0.349-101.2%
170068.KLSEAsdion Bhd-1.055-305.8%
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Usd Enterprise Value (TTM)

Ev To Ebitda Ratio (TTM)

Ev To Sales Ratio (TTM)

Enterprise Value (TTM)

Usd Market Cap (TTM)

Market Cap (TTM)

Price To Free Cash Flow Ratio (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow Per Share (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow (TTM)

Free Cash Flow Per Share (TTM)

Usd Eps (TTM)

Usd Total Gains Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value Change Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value Per Share (TTM)

Usd Price Per Share (TTM)

Usd Revenue (TTM)

Price To Total Gains Ratio (TTM)

Total Gains Per Share (TTM)

Book Value Change Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value (TTM)

Usd Profit (TTM)

Price Per Share (TTM)

Pb Ratio (TTM)

Return On Equity (TTM)

Return On Assets (TTM)

Operating Ratio (TTM)

Gross Profit Margin (TTM)

Operating Margin (TTM)

Net Profit Margin (TTM)

Debt To Equity Ratio (TTM)

Debt To Asset Ratio (TTM)

Quick Ratio (TTM)

Current Ratio (TTM)

Book Value Per Share (TTM)

Pe Ratio (TTM)

Eps (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow To Equity Per Share (TTM)

Free Cash Flow To Equity Per Share (TTM)

Usd Dividend Per Share (TTM)

Dividend Per Share (TTM)


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