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Trading Companies & Distributors (Industrials)


Which company is the richest in the Trading Companies & Distributors industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdBookValue (MRQ)
1ADANIENT.BSEAdani Enterprises Limited521398222064.7%
25273.KLSEChin Hin Group Bhd3277634094.1%
35843.KLSEKumpulan Perangsang Selangor2504412933.1%
45908.KLSEDKSH Holdings Malaysia Berhad2108735112.6%
5INDIAMART.BSEIndiamart Intermesh Limited2048614522.5%
6MMTC.BSEMMTC LTD.1918302402.4%
75056.KLSEEngtex Group Bhd1858714922.3%
88486.KLSELion Forest Industries Bhd1704999512.1%
95143.KLSELuxchem Corporation Bhd1403642511.7%
105008.KLSEHarrisons Holdings (Malaysia)1070721891.3%
115021.KLSEAYS Ventures Bhd1051641281.3%
12SBS.PSESBS Philippines Corp984714511.2%
13MSTC.BSEMSTC Ltd928074601.2%
14542597.BSEMSTC Limited928074601.2%
158419.KLSEPansar Bhd737580770.9%
167016.KLSEChuan Huat Resources Bhd732744810.9%
179121.KLSEKPS Consortium Bhd731961360.9%
185147.KLSESamchem Holdings Bhd711897130.9%
193611.KLSEParagon Globe Bhd675892500.8%
205276.KLSEDancomech Holdings Bhd530285960.7%
215035.KLSEKnusford Bhd505732810.6%
226378.KLSEWMG Holdings Bhd422036640.5%
237137.KLSEUMS Holdings Bhd383580030.5%
240177.KLSEPasukhas Group Bhd340475240.4%
255167.KLSETurbo Mech Bhd282557840.4%
260187.KLSEBCM Alliance Bhd268445610.3%
270218.KLSEAco Group Bhd204550820.3%
280158.KLSESCC Holdings Bhd104888950.1%
29PAEL.BSEPAE LTD.-32553720.0%

Most Revenue

Which company has the highest revenue in the Trading Companies & Distributors industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdRevenue (TTM)
1ADANIENT.BSEAdani Enterprises Limited1136530570086.4%
25908.KLSEDKSH Holdings Malaysia Berhad4346636373.3%
35273.KLSEChin Hin Group Bhd1545973691.2%
47016.KLSEChuan Huat Resources Bhd1464701221.1%
5INDIAMART.BSEIndiamart Intermesh Limited1412194501.1%
65008.KLSEHarrisons Holdings (Malaysia)1232346840.9%
7542597.BSEMSTC Limited850740470.6%
8MSTC.BSEMSTC Ltd850740470.6%
95056.KLSEEngtex Group Bhd808409570.6%
105021.KLSEAYS Ventures Bhd727404150.6%
115147.KLSESamchem Holdings Bhd681558270.5%
129121.KLSEKPS Consortium Bhd658694490.5%
138419.KLSEPansar Bhd561443400.4%
145843.KLSEKumpulan Perangsang Selangor546469280.4%
155143.KLSELuxchem Corporation Bhd408929320.3%
168486.KLSELion Forest Industries Bhd408687880.3%
170177.KLSEPasukhas Group Bhd325364330.2%
180218.KLSEAco Group Bhd305185880.2%
19SBS.PSESBS Philippines Corp200784460.2%
205276.KLSEDancomech Holdings Bhd118373750.1%
216378.KLSEWMG Holdings Bhd100625140.1%
225035.KLSEKnusford Bhd74960970.1%
230187.KLSEBCM Alliance Bhd48469370.0%
247137.KLSEUMS Holdings Bhd41719350.0%
253611.KLSEParagon Globe Bhd35971200.0%
260158.KLSESCC Holdings Bhd31622040.0%
275167.KLSETurbo Mech Bhd25292330.0%
28MMTC.BSEMMTC LTD.6301200.0%

Most Profit

Which company makes the most money in the Trading Companies & Distributors industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdProfit (TTM)
1ADANIENT.BSEAdani Enterprises Limited38226690071.8%
2INDIAMART.BSEIndiamart Intermesh Limited394064547.4%
3542597.BSEMSTC Limited285510095.4%
4MSTC.BSEMSTC Ltd285510095.4%
5MMTC.BSEMMTC LTD.226772404.3%
65273.KLSEChin Hin Group Bhd95855031.8%
75908.KLSEDKSH Holdings Malaysia Berhad64944261.2%
85843.KLSEKumpulan Perangsang Selangor34460480.6%
95008.KLSEHarrisons Holdings (Malaysia)32524320.6%
105143.KLSELuxchem Corporation Bhd24380290.5%
11SBS.PSESBS Philippines Corp20646890.4%
125147.KLSESamchem Holdings Bhd16629740.3%
136378.KLSEWMG Holdings Bhd12855380.2%
148419.KLSEPansar Bhd12112680.2%
155276.KLSEDancomech Holdings Bhd11686990.2%
169121.KLSEKPS Consortium Bhd10501050.2%
178486.KLSELion Forest Industries Bhd8888440.2%
185056.KLSEEngtex Group Bhd8725200.2%
19PAEL.BSEPAE LTD.7590820.1%
200218.KLSEAco Group Bhd6715360.1%
215035.KLSEKnusford Bhd6600810.1%
227137.KLSEUMS Holdings Bhd4813130.1%
233611.KLSEParagon Globe Bhd2953000.1%
245167.KLSETurbo Mech Bhd2768730.1%
255021.KLSEAYS Ventures Bhd1968920.0%
260158.KLSESCC Holdings Bhd762360.0%
277016.KLSEChuan Huat Resources Bhd-534406-0.1%
280187.KLSEBCM Alliance Bhd-2627049-0.5%
290177.KLSEPasukhas Group Bhd-5065548-1.0%

Most Efficient

Which company is the most efficient in making money in the Trading Companies & Distributors industry?

#SymbolCompanyNet Profit Margin (TTM)
1PAEL.BSEPAE LTD.32164.50099.9%
2MMTC.BSEMMTC LTD.35.9890.1%
3542597.BSEMSTC Limited0.3360.0%
4MSTC.BSEMSTC Ltd0.3360.0%
5INDIAMART.BSEIndiamart Intermesh Limited0.2790.0%
67137.KLSEUMS Holdings Bhd0.1110.0%
7SBS.PSESBS Philippines Corp0.1030.0%
85276.KLSEDancomech Holdings Bhd0.0990.0%
93611.KLSEParagon Globe Bhd0.0790.0%
105035.KLSEKnusford Bhd0.0700.0%
115167.KLSETurbo Mech Bhd0.0690.0%
125273.KLSEChin Hin Group Bhd0.0690.0%
136378.KLSEWMG Holdings Bhd0.0630.0%
145843.KLSEKumpulan Perangsang Selangor0.0620.0%
155143.KLSELuxchem Corporation Bhd0.0600.0%
16ADANIENT.BSEAdani Enterprises Limited0.0340.0%
175008.KLSEHarrisons Holdings (Malaysia)0.0270.0%
185147.KLSESamchem Holdings Bhd0.0240.0%
190218.KLSEAco Group Bhd0.0220.0%
200158.KLSESCC Holdings Bhd0.0220.0%
218419.KLSEPansar Bhd0.0210.0%
228486.KLSELion Forest Industries Bhd0.0200.0%
239121.KLSEKPS Consortium Bhd0.0160.0%
245908.KLSEDKSH Holdings Malaysia Berhad0.0150.0%
255056.KLSEEngtex Group Bhd0.0110.0%
265021.KLSEAYS Ventures Bhd0.0030.0%
277016.KLSEChuan Huat Resources Bhd-0.0040.0%
280177.KLSEPasukhas Group Bhd-0.1560.0%
290187.KLSEBCM Alliance Bhd-0.6120.0%
SymbolEPS  (EOD)EPS  (MRQ)EPS  (TTM)EPS  (YOY)EPS  (5Y)EPS  (10Y)Price to Earnings Ratio  (EOD)Price to Earnings Ratio  (MRQ)Price to Earnings Ratio  (TTM)Price to Earnings Ratio  (YOY)Price to Earnings Ratio  (5Y)Price to Earnings Ratio  (10Y)
INDIAMART.BSE- 55.651 55.65146.40844.29422.36542.44148.90448.90493.05499.56455.313
PAEL.BSE-6.1746.17411.6682.9681.873 0.858 1.129 1.1290.491-0.1970.969
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Usd Enterprise Value (TTM)

Ev To Sales Ratio (TTM)

Enterprise Value (TTM)

Usd Market Cap (TTM)

Market Cap (TTM)

Price To Free Cash Flow Ratio (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow To Equity Per Share (TTM)

Free Cash Flow To Equity Per Share (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow Per Share (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow (TTM)

Free Cash Flow Per Share (TTM)

Usd Eps (TTM)

Usd Total Gains Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value Change Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value Per Share (TTM)

Usd Price Per Share (TTM)

Usd Revenue (TTM)

Price To Total Gains Ratio (TTM)

Total Gains Per Share (TTM)

Book Value Change Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value (TTM)

Usd Profit (TTM)

Price Per Share (TTM)

Pb Ratio (TTM)

Return On Equity (TTM)

Return On Assets (TTM)

Operating Ratio (TTM)

Gross Profit Margin (TTM)

Net Profit Margin (TTM)

Debt To Equity Ratio (TTM)

Debt To Asset Ratio (TTM)

Quick Ratio (TTM)

Current Ratio (TTM)

Book Value Per Share (TTM)

Pe Ratio (TTM)

Eps (TTM)

Operating Margin (TTM)

Dividend Per Share (TTM)

Usd Dividend Per Share (TTM)

Ev To Ebitda Ratio (TTM)


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