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Department Stores (Services)


Which company is the richest in the Department Stores industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdBookValue (MRQ)
1532638.BSEShoppers Stop Limited23695750100.0%

Most Revenue

Which company has the highest revenue in the Department Stores industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdRevenue (TTM)
1532638.BSEShoppers Stop Limited462544950100.0%

Most Profit

Which company makes the most money in the Department Stores industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdProfit (TTM)
1532638.BSEShoppers Stop Limited13341150100.0%

Most Efficient

Which company is the most efficient in making money in the Department Stores industry?

#SymbolCompanyNet Profit Margin (TTM)
1532638.BSEShoppers Stop Limited0.029100.0%
SymbolBVPS  (EOD)BVPS  (MRQ)BVPS  (TTM)BVPS  (YOY)BVPS  (5Y)BVPS  (10Y)Price per Share (EOD)Price per Share (MRQ)Price per Share (TTM)Price per Share (YOY)Price per Share (5Y)Price per Share (10Y)Market Cap (EOD)Market Cap (MRQ)Market Cap (TTM)Market Cap (YOY)Market Cap (5Y)Market Cap (10Y)Price to Earnings Ratio  (EOD)Price to Earnings Ratio  (MRQ)Price to Earnings Ratio  (TTM)Price to Earnings Ratio  (YOY)Price to Earnings Ratio  (5Y)Price to Earnings Ratio  (10Y)Price to Book Ratio  (EOD)Price to Book Ratio  (MRQ)Price to Book Ratio  (TTM)Price to Book Ratio  (YOY)Price to Book Ratio  (5Y)Price to Book Ratio  (10Y)Intrinsic Value (EOD)Intrinsic Value (MRQ)Intrinsic Value (TTM)Intrinsic Value (YOY)Intrinsic Value (5Y)Intrinsic Value (10Y)Enterprise Value (EOD)Enterprise Value (MRQ)Enterprise Value (TTM)Enterprise Value (YOY)Enterprise Value (5Y)Enterprise Value (10Y)Enterprise value-to-sales ratio (EOD)Enterprise value-to-sales ratio (MRQ)Enterprise value-to-sales ratio (TTM)Enterprise value-to-sales ratio (YOY)Enterprise value-to-sales ratio (5Y)Enterprise value-to-sales ratio (10Y)Enterprise Multiple (EV/EBITDA) (EOD)Enterprise Multiple (EV/EBITDA) (MRQ)Enterprise Multiple (EV/EBITDA) (TTM)Enterprise Multiple (EV/EBITDA) (YOY)Enterprise Multiple (EV/EBITDA) (5Y)Enterprise Multiple (EV/EBITDA) (10Y)
532638.BSE- 18.792 18.7926.93428.45347.142 519.450 647.650 647.650466.300398.740404.370 45706355633 71013423576 71013423576510599572499999999.99939042364194 49.096 61.213 61.213-108.638-0.29393.842 27.642 34.464 34.46467.24630.62318.482------- 27833223576 2783322357615777457249861294511316074324394- 0.692 0.6920.6260.2060.403- 0.000 0.0000.0000.0000.000
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Usd Enterprise Value (TTM)

Ev To Sales Ratio (TTM)

Enterprise Value (TTM)

Usd Market Cap (TTM)

Market Cap (TTM)

Price To Free Cash Flow Ratio (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow To Equity Per Share (TTM)

Free Cash Flow To Equity Per Share (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow Per Share (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow (TTM)

Free Cash Flow Per Share (TTM)

Usd Eps (TTM)

Usd Total Gains Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value Change Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value Per Share (TTM)

Usd Price Per Share (TTM)

Usd Revenue (TTM)

Price To Total Gains Ratio (TTM)

Total Gains Per Share (TTM)

Book Value Change Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value (TTM)

Usd Profit (TTM)

Price Per Share (TTM)

Pb Ratio (TTM)

Return On Equity (TTM)

Return On Assets (TTM)

Operating Ratio (TTM)

Gross Profit Margin (TTM)

Net Profit Margin (TTM)

Debt To Equity Ratio (TTM)

Debt To Asset Ratio (TTM)

Quick Ratio (TTM)

Current Ratio (TTM)

Book Value Per Share (TTM)

Pe Ratio (TTM)

Eps (TTM)


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