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My inspiration about Trading and Investing

My trading & investing journey started with the video "Robert Kiyosaki: 60 Minutes To Getting Rich". My view on the world changed -> a new world opened for me. I was on the left side as an employee, trading my time for cash working for someone else. I did that with a lot of fun and learned a lot... BUT... my vision became clear and wanted to be on the right (->) side. Be an Invester and Business Owner. This is where the endless hours of educational YouTube videos began.

Warren Buffett

Not much longer later I met "Warren Buffett - The World's Greatest Money Maker".

Fundamental Analysis

My fundamental stock analysis is based on Warren Buffet's answer to a student on the following question: "How do you find intrinsic value in a company?":

His answer is long (watch it below) but the fundamental thing is if you buy a stock you want to know 3 things:

  1. How much money are you going to get?
  2. When are you going to get it?
  3. How sure are you?

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