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  • Ergin is member since Tuesday 28 November 2023 23:21.
  • Ergin is a FREE member.
  • Ergin has gained 198 XP and earned 0   1   83
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Comments by Ergin
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Achievements of Ergin
 AchievementDescriptionWhenXPCoins earned
Read articleErgin has read Current Ratio.23 February 2024+5 XP0   0   0
Read articleErgin has read How to buy stocks that Warren Buffett buys, but at a Discount!.23 February 2024+5 XP0   0   0
Quest completedErgin completed the quest Commodities and futures.23 February 2024+10 XP0   0   5
Symbol added to watchlistErgin added MEGAP.IS to watchlist.06 February 2024+1 XP0   0   1
Symbol added to watchlistErgin added PRKME.IS to watchlist.06 February 2024+1 XP0   0   1
Stock fundamentally analyzedErgin fundamentally analyzed the stock FADE.IS.06 February 2024+25 XP0   0   10
Symbol added to watchlistErgin added FADE.IS to watchlist.06 February 2024+1 XP0   0   1
Stock fundamentally analyzedErgin fundamentally analyzed the stock MEGAP.IS.29 November 2023+25 XP0   0   10
Stock fundamentally analyzedErgin fundamentally analyzed the stock KTSKR.IS.28 November 2023+25 XP0   0   10
Joined the CommunityErgin has joined the Penke Trading Community.28 November 2023+50 XP0   0   25

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