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London Exchange

SymbolName ExchangeCountrySectorIndustryMost recent quarterFundamental Score 
0A0C.LSEStadler Rail AGLSEUK2024-06-30
0A0F.LSECitycon OyjLSEUK2023-09-30
0A1K.LSENio Inc Class A ADRLSEUK2024-09-30
0A37.LSEBetsson ABLSEUK2024-12-31
0B67.LSEGalp Energia NomLSEUK2023-09-30
0BNT.LSEKesko OyjLSEUK2023-09-30
0CXC.LSEStora Enso Oyj RLSEUK2023-09-30
0DHC.LSECarl Zeiss Meditec AGLSEUK2023-09-30
0DJI.LSEAlm. BrandLSEUK2023-09-30
0DJV.LSEAltri SGPS SALSEUK2023-09-30
0DLI.LSEAmsterdam Commodities NVLSEUK2024-12-31
0DNW.LSEAustevoll Seafood ASALSEUK2023-09-30
0DP0.LSEBank Polska Kasa Opieki SALSEUK2023-09-30
0DPM.LSEBechtle AGLSEUK2023-09-30
0DPU.LSEProximus NVLSEUK2023-09-30
0DQZ.LSEBanca GeneraliLSEUK2023-09-30
0DRV.LSEArcticzymes Technologies ASALSEUK2023-09-30
0DVR.LSESantander Bank Polska SALSEUK2023-09-30
0E4K.LSEDeutz AGLSEUK2023-09-30
0E4Q.LSENel ASALSEUK2023-09-30
0E5M.LSEDe Longhi SpALSEUK2023-09-30
0E6Y.LSE1&1 AGLSEUK2023-09-30
0EAW.LSEKambi Group PLC Series BLSEUK2024-12-31
0EEE.LSECTS Eventim AGLSEUK2023-09-30
0EOF.LSEHexagon Composites ASALSEUK2024-12-31
0EPW.LSEHochtief AGLSEUK2023-09-30
0EXG.LSEJeronimo Martins SGPS SALSEUK2023-09-30
0EYG.LSEKBC Groep NVLSEUK2023-09-30
0F08.LSEKongsberg Gruppen ASALSEUK2023-09-30
0F0J.LSEKitron ASALSEUK2024-09-30
0F6L.LSEEtablissements Maurel et Prom SALSEUK2024-12-31
0F8V.LSEAkwel SALSEUK2024-06-30
0FC9.LSEMTU Aero Engines NA O.N.LSEUK2023-09-30
0FFY.LSENokian Renkaat OyjLSEUK2023-09-30
0FGH.LSENorwegian Air Shuttle ASALSEUK2023-09-30
0FI1.LSEGreek Organisation of Football Prognostics SALSEUK2023-09-30
0FIN.LSEOrkla ASALSEUK2023-09-30
0FIZ.LSEHellenic TelecLSEUK2023-09-30
0FM1.LSEPiaggio & CLSEUK2023-09-30
0FMN.LSEPolski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN SALSEUK2023-09-30
0FMO.LSEPowszechna Kasa Oszczednosci Bank Polski SALSEUK2023-09-30
0FQ8.LSEPharol SGPS SALSEUK2024-12-31
0FQR.LSEPfeiffer Vacuum Technology O.N.LSEUK2023-09-30
0FRJ.LSERational AGLSEUK2023-09-30
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