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Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment (Information Technology)


Which company is the richest in the Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdBookValue (MRQ)
1STM.FStabilus S.A.78770923118.9%
20166.KLSEInari Amertron Bhd76656519518.3%
33867.KLSEMalaysian Pacific Industries60438417914.5%
45005.KLSEUnisem M Bhd56768753013.6%
55286.KLSEMI Technovation Bhd2680439906.4%
60097.KLSEViTrox Corporation Bhd2376345515.7%
77204.KLSED O Green Technologies Bhd2328579235.6%
80208.KLSEGreatech Technology Bhd2016756844.8%
90104.KLSEGenetec Technology Bhd1199598122.9%
109334.KLSEKESM Industries Bhd858187162.1%
117022.KLSEGlobetronics Tech Bhd744365791.8%
12GREEN.PSEGreenergy Holdings Inc326130760.8%
130146.KLSEJF Technology BHD325165260.8%
144359.KLSETuriya Bhd322982100.8%
150090.KLSEElsoft Research Bhd315053660.8%
160181.KLSEAemulus Holdings Bhd307110720.7%
175277.KLSEFoundPac Group Bhd257679070.6%
180120.KLSEVisDynamics Holdings Bhd161159370.4%
190070.KLSEMQ Technology Bhd160876880.4%
200143.KLSEKey ASIC Bhd79890060.2%
21TECH.PSECirtek Holdings Philippines Corp38982870.1%
22SSP.PSESFA Semicon Philippines Corp24666600.1%

Most Revenue

Which company has the highest revenue in the Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdRevenue (TTM)
1STM.FStabilus S.A.35690941839.4%
23867.KLSEMalaysian Pacific Industries12343318613.6%
30166.KLSEInari Amertron Bhd892794719.9%
45005.KLSEUnisem M Bhd885299159.8%
57204.KLSED O Green Technologies Bhd676980047.5%
60208.KLSEGreatech Technology Bhd445088124.9%
70097.KLSEViTrox Corporation Bhd331466603.7%
85286.KLSEMI Technovation Bhd259232742.9%
90104.KLSEGenetec Technology Bhd163797981.8%
109334.KLSEKESM Industries Bhd149850151.7%
110120.KLSEVisDynamics Holdings Bhd123367431.4%
127022.KLSEGlobetronics Tech Bhd75373360.8%
13SSP.PSESFA Semicon Philippines Corp62116200.7%
140143.KLSEKey ASIC Bhd50271800.6%
155277.KLSEFoundPac Group Bhd38731720.4%
160146.KLSEJF Technology BHD25134720.3%
170181.KLSEAemulus Holdings Bhd19693830.2%
184359.KLSETuriya Bhd17608880.2%
19TECH.PSECirtek Holdings Philippines Corp15174630.2%
200090.KLSEElsoft Research Bhd8319070.1%
21GREEN.PSEGreenergy Holdings Inc5420560.1%
220070.KLSEMQ Technology Bhd4188000.0%

Most Profit

Which company makes the most money in the Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdProfit (TTM)
1STM.FStabilus S.A.2124037926.7%
20166.KLSEInari Amertron Bhd1812415222.8%
30208.KLSEGreatech Technology Bhd1018068012.8%
40097.KLSEViTrox Corporation Bhd62175997.8%
53867.KLSEMalaysian Pacific Industries54073066.8%
65286.KLSEMI Technovation Bhd48511196.1%
75005.KLSEUnisem M Bhd43270165.4%
80104.KLSEGenetec Technology Bhd41502985.2%
97204.KLSED O Green Technologies Bhd37193424.7%
100120.KLSEVisDynamics Holdings Bhd30707353.9%
117022.KLSEGlobetronics Tech Bhd15716822.0%
125277.KLSEFoundPac Group Bhd3875090.5%
130146.KLSEJF Technology BHD3518050.4%
140090.KLSEElsoft Research Bhd3042300.4%
15SSP.PSESFA Semicon Philippines Corp2279610.3%
16TECH.PSECirtek Holdings Philippines Corp2030450.3%
174359.KLSETuriya Bhd1721960.2%
189334.KLSEKESM Industries Bhd894150.1%
19GREEN.PSEGreenergy Holdings Inc-280878-0.4%
200070.KLSEMQ Technology Bhd-657079-0.8%
210143.KLSEKey ASIC Bhd-1296469-1.6%
220181.KLSEAemulus Holdings Bhd-2831523-3.6%

Most Efficient

Which company is the most efficient in making money in the Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment industry?

#SymbolCompanyNet Profit Margin (TTM)
10090.KLSEElsoft Research Bhd0.36210.8%
20120.KLSEVisDynamics Holdings Bhd0.2497.4%
30104.KLSEGenetec Technology Bhd0.2487.4%
40208.KLSEGreatech Technology Bhd0.2316.9%
57022.KLSEGlobetronics Tech Bhd0.2056.1%
60166.KLSEInari Amertron Bhd0.2026.0%
70097.KLSEViTrox Corporation Bhd0.1865.6%
85286.KLSEMI Technovation Bhd0.1835.5%
90146.KLSEJF Technology BHD0.1384.1%
10TECH.PSECirtek Holdings Philippines Corp0.1344.0%
115277.KLSEFoundPac Group Bhd0.1003.0%
124359.KLSETuriya Bhd0.0972.9%
13STM.FStabilus S.A.0.0591.8%
147204.KLSED O Green Technologies Bhd0.0541.6%
155005.KLSEUnisem M Bhd0.0491.5%
163867.KLSEMalaysian Pacific Industries0.0431.3%
17SSP.PSESFA Semicon Philippines Corp0.0371.1%
189334.KLSEKESM Industries Bhd0.0060.2%
190143.KLSEKey ASIC Bhd-0.258-15.4%
20GREEN.PSEGreenergy Holdings Inc-0.518-31.0%
210070.KLSEMQ Technology Bhd-1.653-98.9%
220181.KLSEAemulus Holdings Bhd-1.826-109.2%
SymbolName ExchangeCountrySectorIndustryMost recent quarterFundamental Score 
0070.KLSEMQ Technology BhdKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsTools & Accessories2024-06-30
0090.KLSEElsoft Research BhdKLSEMalaysiaTechnologySemiconductor Equipment & Materials2024-06-30
0097.KLSEViTrox Corporation BhdKLSEMalaysiaTechnologySemiconductor Equipment & Materials2024-06-30
0104.KLSEGenetec Technology BhdKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsSpecialty Industrial Machinery2024-06-30
0120.KLSEVisDynamics Holdings BhdKLSEMalaysiaTechnologySemiconductor Equipment & Materials2024-04-30
0143.KLSEKey ASIC BhdKLSEMalaysiaTechnologySemiconductors2024-02-29
0146.KLSEJF Technology BHDKLSEMalaysiaTechnologySemiconductor Equipment & Materials2024-06-30
0166.KLSEInari Amertron BhdKLSEMalaysiaTechnologySemiconductor Equipment & Materials2024-06-30
0181.KLSEAemulus Holdings BhdKLSEMalaysiaTechnologySemiconductor Equipment & Materials2024-06-30
0208.KLSEGreatech Technology BhdKLSEMalaysiaIndustrialsSpecialty Industrial Machinery2024-06-30
3867.KLSEMalaysian Pacific IndustriesKLSEMalaysiaTechnologySemiconductors2024-03-31
4359.KLSETuriya BhdKLSEMalaysiaTechnologySemiconductor Equipment & Materials2024-06-30
5005.KLSEUnisem M BhdKLSEMalaysiaTechnologySemiconductors2024-06-30
5277.KLSEFoundPac Group BhdKLSEMalaysiaTechnologySemiconductor Equipment & Materials2024-06-30
5286.KLSEMI Technovation BhdKLSEMalaysiaTechnologySemiconductor Equipment & Materials2024-06-30
7022.KLSEGlobetronics Tech BhdKLSEMalaysiaTechnologySemiconductors2024-06-30
7204.KLSED O Green Technologies BhdKLSEMalaysiaTechnologySemiconductor Equipment & Materials2024-06-30
9334.KLSEKESM Industries BhdKLSEMalaysiaTechnologySemiconductors2024-04-30
GREEN.PSEGreenergy Holdings IncPSEPhilippinesTechnologySemiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment2023-06-30
SSP.PSESFA Semicon Philippines CorpPSEPhilippinesTechnologySemiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment2023-06-30
STM.FStabilus S.A.FGermanyIndustrialsSpecialty Industrial Machinery2024-06-30
TECH.PSECirtek Holdings Philippines CorpPSEPhilippinesTechnologySemiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment2023-06-30
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Usd Market Cap (TTM)

Market Cap (TTM)

Price To Free Cash Flow Ratio (TTM)

Free Cash Flow To Equity Per Share (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow (TTM)

Free Cash Flow Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value Per Share (TTM)

Usd Price Per Share (TTM)

Usd Revenue (TTM)

Price To Total Gains Ratio (TTM)

Total Gains Per Share (TTM)

Book Value Change Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value (TTM)

Usd Profit (TTM)

Price Per Share (TTM)

Pb Ratio (TTM)

Return On Equity (TTM)

Return On Assets (TTM)

Operating Ratio (TTM)

Gross Profit Margin (TTM)

Net Profit Margin (TTM)

Debt To Equity Ratio (TTM)

Debt To Asset Ratio (TTM)

Quick Ratio (TTM)

Current Ratio (TTM)

Book Value Per Share (TTM)

Pe Ratio (TTM)

Eps (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow To Equity Per Share (TTM)

Usd Dividend Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value Change Per Share (TTM)

Dividend Per Share (TTM)

Operating Margin (TTM)

Usd Eps (TTM)

Usd Total Gains Per Share (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow Per Share (TTM)


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