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REIT-Industrial (Real Estate)


Which company is the richest in the REIT-Industrial industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdBookValue (MRQ)
1PLD.NYSEPrologis Inc5861677000031.5%
2EXR.NYSEExtra Space Storage Inc149586830008.0%
3SGRO.LSESegro Plc137117800007.4%
4PSA.NYSEPublic Storage97100250005.2%
5REXR.NYSERexford Industrial Realty Inc87259790004.7%
6A17U.SGAscendas Real Estate Investment76324245064.1%
7M44U.SGMapletree Logistics Trust54845218853.0%
8WDP.BRWarehouses de Pauw Comm VA48826317212.6%
9GRT-UN.TOGranite Real Estate Investment Trust37700825142.0%
10TRNO.NYSETerreno Realty Corporation36623320002.0%
11STAG.NYSESTAG Industrial Inc35291080001.9%
12YAR.FYara International ASA33929568701.8%
13COLD.NYSEAmericold Realty Trust33070050001.8%
14EGP.NYSEEastGroup Properties Inc32925440001.8%
15DIR-UN.TODream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust32223941521.7%
16BUOU.SGFrasers Logistics & Industrial32000798781.7%
17BYG.LSEBig Yellow Group PLC30788252751.7%
19SAFE.LSESafestore Holdings Plc28002010001.5%
20FR.NYSEFirst Industrial Realty Trust Inc27460280001.5%
21LXP.NYSELXP Industrial Trust21207830001.1%
22ARG.PAArgan SA19956673161.1%
23J91U.SGESR-LOGOS REIT19810705101.1%
24IIPR.NYSEInnovative Industrial Properties Inc19465370001.0%
25NSA.NYSENational Storage Affiliates Trust18008880001.0%
26BWP.AUBWP Trust16813885500.9%
27MONT.BRMontea C.V.A.16715984490.9%
28CIP.AUCenturia Industrial Reit Unit15262379100.8%
29MNR.NYSEMach Natural Resources LP12246620000.7%
30O5RU.SGAIMSAMP Cap Reit10619364700.6%
31ILPT.NASDAQIndustrial Logistics Properties Trust10093300000.5%
32SHED.LSEUrban Logistics Reit PLC9539960880.5%
33RYGYO.ISReysas Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi AS8367843480.5%
34365550.KOEsr Kendall Square Reit Co Ltd7818388130.4%
35LAND.NASDAQGladstone Land Corporation6871820000.4%
36WHR.LSEWarehouse REIT plc6735031680.4%
37PLYM.NYSEPlymouth Industrial REIT Inc4416450000.2%
38M1GU.SGSabana Reit (M1GU.SI)4268687350.2%
39AIMIRT.BKAIM Industrial Growth Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust2801764820.2%
40AMATAR.BKAmata Summit Growth Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust1039270050.1%
41SELF.NASDAQGlobal Self Storage Inc480612160.0%
42MIT.BKMFC Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust-6402180.0%

Most Revenue

Which company has the highest revenue in the REIT-Industrial industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdRevenue (TTM)
1PLD.NYSEPrologis Inc205040250017.3%
2PSA.NYSEPublic Storage11695142509.9%
3A17U.SGAscendas Real Estate Investment11276632589.5%
4SGRO.LSESegro Plc9418675007.9%
5EXR.NYSEExtra Space Storage Inc8081950006.8%
6YAR.FYara International ASA6698504095.6%
7COLD.NYSEAmericold Realty Trust6666352505.6%
8BUOU.SGFrasers Logistics & Industrial3307174302.8%
9SAFE.LSESafestore Holdings Plc2810512502.4%
10J91U.SGESR-LOGOS REIT2743211622.3%
12BYG.LSEBig Yellow Group PLC2510208932.1%
13MNR.NYSEMach Natural Resources LP2374960002.0%
14REXR.NYSERexford Industrial Realty Inc2342915002.0%
15ARG.PAArgan SA2291886041.9%
16NSA.NYSENational Storage Affiliates Trust1989072501.7%
17STAG.NYSESTAG Industrial Inc1918460001.6%
18FR.NYSEFirst Industrial Realty Trust Inc1674102501.4%
19EGP.NYSEEastGroup Properties Inc1604137501.4%
20CIP.AUCenturia Industrial Reit Unit1415445301.2%
21M44U.SGMapletree Logistics Trust1325830581.1%
22O5RU.SGAIMSAMP Cap Reit1312588521.1%
23ILPT.NASDAQIndustrial Logistics Properties Trust1105805000.9%
24WDP.BRWarehouses de Pauw Comm VA1097199030.9%
25BWP.AUBWP Trust1083396600.9%
26TRNO.NYSETerreno Realty Corporation956552500.8%
27GRT-UN.TOGranite Real Estate Investment Trust952304980.8%
28LXP.NYSELXP Industrial Trust896145000.8%
29M1GU.SGSabana Reit (M1GU.SI)828322500.7%
30DIR-UN.TODream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust795407300.7%
31IIPR.NYSEInnovative Industrial Properties Inc777322500.7%
32SHED.LSEUrban Logistics Reit PLC755732350.6%
33WHR.LSEWarehouse REIT plc641651950.5%
34PLYM.NYSEPlymouth Industrial REIT Inc503922500.4%
35RYGYO.ISReysas Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi AS485584020.4%
36MONT.BRMontea C.V.A.422171910.4%
37365550.KOEsr Kendall Square Reit Co Ltd370704530.3%
38LAND.NASDAQGladstone Land Corporation213040000.2%
39AIMIRT.BKAIM Industrial Growth Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust72169590.1%
40SELF.NASDAQGlobal Self Storage Inc30799310.0%
41AMATAR.BKAmata Summit Growth Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust29204140.0%
42MIT.BKMFC Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust52350.0%

Most Profit

Which company makes the most money in the REIT-Industrial industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdProfit (TTM)
1PLD.NYSEPrologis Inc93290875024.9%
2A17U.SGAscendas Real Estate Investment56574482315.1%
3RYGYO.ISReysas Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi AS47870756112.8%
4PSA.NYSEPublic Storage47417400012.6%
5SAFE.LSESafestore Holdings Plc46816725012.5%
6BYG.LSEBig Yellow Group PLC3015899988.0%
7EXR.NYSEExtra Space Storage Inc2019840005.4%
8BWP.AUBWP Trust1119178623.0%
9BUOU.SGFrasers Logistics & Industrial1092275102.9%
11FR.NYSEFirst Industrial Realty Trust Inc726945001.9%
12WDP.BRWarehouses de Pauw Comm VA726381931.9%
13REXR.NYSERexford Industrial Realty Inc677575001.8%
14EGP.NYSEEastGroup Properties Inc569377501.5%
15M44U.SGMapletree Logistics Trust550781711.5%
16GRT-UN.TOGranite Real Estate Investment Trust532670121.4%
17MONT.BRMontea C.V.A.490167461.3%
18STAG.NYSESTAG Industrial Inc472937501.3%
19O5RU.SGAIMSAMP Cap Reit465756021.2%
20TRNO.NYSETerreno Realty Corporation461242501.2%
21WHR.LSEWarehouse REIT plc431397951.2%
22NSA.NYSENational Storage Affiliates Trust409520001.1%
23IIPR.NYSEInnovative Industrial Properties Inc408172501.1%
24SHED.LSEUrban Logistics Reit PLC311155800.8%
25CIP.AUCenturia Industrial Reit Unit299005290.8%
26DIR-UN.TODream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust243993330.7%
27M1GU.SGSabana Reit (M1GU.SI)133805090.4%
28LXP.NYSELXP Industrial Trust107005000.3%
29365550.KOEsr Kendall Square Reit Co Ltd82967310.2%
30AIMIRT.BKAIM Industrial Growth Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust50963060.1%
31LAND.NASDAQGladstone Land Corporation33225000.1%
32AMATAR.BKAmata Summit Growth Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust17590180.0%
33SELF.NASDAQGlobal Self Storage Inc7841840.0%
34PLYM.NYSEPlymouth Industrial REIT Inc2795000.0%
35MIT.BKMFC Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust-1957773-0.1%
36MNR.NYSEMach Natural Resources LP-8952000-0.2%
37COLD.NYSEAmericold Realty Trust-23578250-0.6%
38ILPT.NASDAQIndustrial Logistics Properties Trust-23917250-0.6%
39YAR.FYara International ASA-71234873-1.9%
40J91U.SGESR-LOGOS REIT-94607572-2.5%
41ARG.PAArgan SA-273486407-7.3%
42SGRO.LSESegro Plc-318147500-8.5%

Most Efficient

Which company is the most efficient in making money in the REIT-Industrial industry?

#SymbolCompanyNet Profit Margin (TTM)
1RYGYO.ISReysas Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi AS9.8581.3%
2SAFE.LSESafestore Holdings Plc1.6660.2%
3BYG.LSEBig Yellow Group PLC1.2010.2%
4MONT.BRMontea C.V.A.1.1270.2%
5BWP.AUBWP Trust1.0330.1%
6AIMIRT.BKAIM Industrial Growth Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust0.6840.1%
7WHR.LSEWarehouse REIT plc0.6720.1%
8WDP.BRWarehouses de Pauw Comm VA0.6220.1%
9AMATAR.BKAmata Summit Growth Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust0.6000.1%
10GRT-UN.TOGranite Real Estate Investment Trust0.5530.1%
11IIPR.NYSEInnovative Industrial Properties Inc0.5250.1%
12A17U.SGAscendas Real Estate Investment0.5020.1%
13TRNO.NYSETerreno Realty Corporation0.4760.1%
14PLD.NYSEPrologis Inc0.4510.1%
15FR.NYSEFirst Industrial Realty Trust Inc0.4340.1%
16M44U.SGMapletree Logistics Trust0.4150.1%
17SHED.LSEUrban Logistics Reit PLC0.4120.1%
18PSA.NYSEPublic Storage0.4060.1%
20EGP.NYSEEastGroup Properties Inc0.3550.0%
21O5RU.SGAIMSAMP Cap Reit0.3550.0%
22BUOU.SGFrasers Logistics & Industrial0.3300.0%
23DIR-UN.TODream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust0.3040.0%
24REXR.NYSERexford Industrial Realty Inc0.2890.0%
25SELF.NASDAQGlobal Self Storage Inc0.2540.0%
26EXR.NYSEExtra Space Storage Inc0.2500.0%
27STAG.NYSESTAG Industrial Inc0.2460.0%
28365550.KOEsr Kendall Square Reit Co Ltd0.2240.0%
29CIP.AUCenturia Industrial Reit Unit0.2110.0%
30NSA.NYSENational Storage Affiliates Trust0.2020.0%
31LAND.NASDAQGladstone Land Corporation0.1640.0%
32M1GU.SGSabana Reit (M1GU.SI)0.1620.0%
33LXP.NYSELXP Industrial Trust0.1110.0%
34PLYM.NYSEPlymouth Industrial REIT Inc0.0080.0%
35COLD.NYSEAmericold Realty Trust-0.036-0.0%
36YAR.FYara International ASA-0.105-0.0%
37MNR.NYSEMach Natural Resources LP-0.109-0.0%
38ILPT.NASDAQIndustrial Logistics Properties Trust-0.216-0.1%
39SGRO.LSESegro Plc-0.338-0.1%
40J91U.SGESR-LOGOS REIT-0.345-0.1%
41ARG.PAArgan SA-1.193-0.3%
42MIT.BKMFC Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust-394.459-106.2%
SymbolName ExchangeCountrySectorIndustryMost recent quarterFundamental Score 
1IK.FInnovative Industrial Properties IncFGermanyReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-09-30
365550.KOEsr Kendall Square Reit Co LtdKOKoreaReal EstateREIT - Industrial2023-08-31
4GC.FNational Storage Affiliates TrustFGermanyReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-09-30
A17U.SGAscendas Real Estate InvestmentSGSingaporeReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-12-31
AIMIRT.BKAIM Industrial Growth Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment TrustBKThailandReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-09-30
AMATAR.BKAmata Summit Growth Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment TrustBKThailandReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-09-30
ARG.PAArgan SAPAFranceReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-06-30
BUOU.SGFrasers Logistics & IndustrialSGSingaporeReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-09-30
BWP.AUBWP TrustAUAustraliaReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-12-31
BYG.LSEBig Yellow Group PLCLSEUKReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-03-31
CIP.AUCenturia Industrial Reit UnitAUAustraliaReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-06-30
COLD.NYSEAmericold Realty TrustNYSEUSAReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-12-31
CUBE.NYSECubeSmartNYSEUSAReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-09-30
DIR-UN.TODream Industrial Real Estate Investment TrustTOCanadaReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-09-30
EGP.NYSEEastGroup Properties IncNYSEUSAReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-12-31
EXR.NYSEExtra Space Storage IncNYSEUSAReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-12-31
FR.NYSEFirst Industrial Realty Trust IncNYSEUSAReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-12-31
GRT-UN.TOGranite Real Estate Investment TrustTOCanadaReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-09-30
IIPR.NYSEInnovative Industrial Properties IncNYSEUSAReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-09-30
ILPT.NASDAQIndustrial Logistics Properties TrustNASDAQUSAReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-12-31
J91U.SGESR-LOGOS REITSGSingaporeReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-12-31
LAND.NASDAQGladstone Land CorporationNASDAQUSAReal EstateREIT - Specialty2024-12-31
LXP.NYSELXP Industrial TrustNYSEUSAReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-12-31
M1GU.SGSabana Reit (M1GU.SI)SGSingaporeReal EstateREIT - Industrial2023-12-31
M44U.SGMapletree Logistics TrustSGSingaporeReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-12-31
MIT.BKMFC Industrial Real Estate Investment TrustBKThailandReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-09-30
MNR.NYSEMach Natural Resources LPNYSEUSAEnergyOil & Gas E&P2024-09-30
MONT.BRMontea C.V.A.BRBelgiumReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-09-30
NSA.NYSENational Storage Affiliates TrustNYSEUSAReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-09-30
NSR.AUNational Storage REITAUAustraliaReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-06-30
O5RU.SGAIMSAMP Cap ReitSGSingaporeReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-03-31
PLD.NYSEPrologis IncNYSEUSAReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-12-31
PLDGP.OTCQBPrologis IncOTCQBUSAReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-12-31
PLYM.NYSEPlymouth Industrial REIT IncNYSEUSAReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-09-30
PSA.NYSEPublic StorageNYSEUSAReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-09-30
REXR.NYSERexford Industrial Realty IncNYSEUSAReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-12-31
RYGYO.ISReysas Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi ASISTurkeyReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-06-30
SAFE.LSESafestore Holdings PlcLSEUKReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-10-31
SEGXF.PINKSegro PlcPINKUSAReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-06-30
SELF.NASDAQGlobal Self Storage IncNASDAQUSAReal EstateREIT - Specialty2024-09-30
SGRO.LSESegro PlcLSEUKReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-06-30
SHED.LSEUrban Logistics Reit PLCLSEUKReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-03-31
STAG.NYSESTAG Industrial IncNYSEUSAReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-12-31
TRNO.NYSETerreno Realty CorporationNYSEUSAReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-12-31
WDP.BRWarehouses de Pauw Comm VABRBelgiumReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-09-30
WHR.LSEWarehouse REIT plcLSEUKReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-03-31
YAR.FYara International ASAFGermanyReal EstateREIT - Industrial2024-09-30
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Usd Enterprise Value (TTM)

Ev To Sales Ratio (TTM)

Enterprise Value (TTM)

Usd Market Cap (TTM)

Market Cap (TTM)

Price To Free Cash Flow Ratio (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow To Equity Per Share (TTM)

Free Cash Flow To Equity Per Share (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow Per Share (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow (TTM)

Free Cash Flow Per Share (TTM)

Usd Eps (TTM)

Usd Total Gains Per Share (TTM)

Usd Dividend Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value Change Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value Per Share (TTM)

Usd Price Per Share (TTM)

Usd Revenue (TTM)

Price To Total Gains Ratio (TTM)

Total Gains Per Share (TTM)

Book Value Change Per Share (TTM)

Dividend Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value (TTM)

Usd Profit (TTM)

Price Per Share (TTM)

Pb Ratio (TTM)

Return On Equity (TTM)

Return On Assets (TTM)

Operating Ratio (TTM)

Gross Profit Margin (TTM)

Net Profit Margin (TTM)

Debt To Equity Ratio (TTM)

Debt To Asset Ratio (TTM)

Current Ratio (TTM)

Book Value Per Share (TTM)

Pe Ratio (TTM)

Eps (TTM)

Quick Ratio (TTM)

Ev To Ebitda Ratio (TTM)

Operating Margin (TTM)


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