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Rental & Leasing Services (Industrials)


Which company is the richest in the Rental & Leasing Services industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdBookValue (MRQ)
1AER.NYSEAerCap Holdings NV1718483200018.6%
2URI.NYSEUnited Rentals Inc86220000009.3%
3AL.NYSEAir Lease Corporation75326260008.1%
4ASHTY.PINKAshtead Gro74978000008.1%
5AHT.LSEAshtead Group PLC74975300798.1%
6000415.SHEBohai Leasing Co Ltd63848697266.9%
72588.HKBOC Aviation Ltd57493862386.2%
8RENT3.SALocaliza Rent a Car S.A43447813644.7%
9R.NYSERyder System Inc31170000003.4%
10EFN.TOElement Fleet Management Corp27734384223.0%
11GATX.NYSEGATX Corporation24389000002.6%
12SIX2.XETRASixt SE20857328722.3%
133877.HKCSSC Hong Kong Shipping Co Ltd16499265551.8%
14HRI.NYSEHerc Holdings Inc13960000001.5%
1521W.FRedde Northgate PLC13250300921.4%
16SFIN.MCXSFI PAO12355398721.3%
17MGRC.NASDAQMcGrath RentCorp11233680001.2%
18WSC.NASDAQWillscot Mobile Mini Holdings Corp A10185930001.1%
19089860.KOLotte Rental Co Ltd9724168501.1%
20BRRAY.PINKBarloworld Ltd ADR8968998001.0%
21603300.SHGZhejiang Huatie Constr Safety8508009580.9%
22CTOS.NYSECustom Truck One Source Inc8375090000.9%
234260.SRUnited Int Transportation Company7025736810.8%
241848.HKChina Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Ltd6609991130.7%
25PRG.NYSEPROG Holdings Inc6502810000.7%
26WLFC.NASDAQWillis Lease Finance Corporation5808140000.6%
27MOVI3.SAMovida Participações S.A4508341120.5%
28EHL.AUEmeco Holdings Ltd3964913500.4%
29SGF.AUSG Fleet Group Ltd3668340150.4%
30095570.KOAJ Networks Co Ltd2998057340.3%
31ASSA.JKAdi Sarana Armada Tbk2794210310.3%
32AVAP.LSEAvation PLC2562212860.3%
33MILS3.SAMills Estruturas e Serviços de Engenharia S.A2485867900.3%
34HSS.LSEHSS Hire Group PLC2326632690.3%
36SDY.LSESpeedy Hire PLC2209427500.2%
374261.SRTheeb Rent a Car Company SJSC2139066700.2%
38BDI.TOBlack Diamond Group Limited2130723320.2%
39ANX.LSEAnexo Group Plc2028337000.2%
40VP.LSEVp plc1943507020.2%
411341.HKClear Lift Holdings Ltd1589496000.2%
42VAKFN.ISVakif Finansal Kiralama AS1570196460.2%
43TOUP.PATouax SCA1532360170.2%
44HTZ.NASDAQHertz Global Holdings Inc1530000000.2%
45DNA3.LSEDoric Nimrod Air Three Ltd1259736820.1%
46FTAIO.NASDAQFortress Transportation and Preferred Series B1185320000.1%
47FTAI.NASDAQFortress Transp & Infra Inv1185320000.1%
48SANGHVIMOV.NSESanghvi Movers Limited1153845410.1%
49SKRN.JKSuperkrane Mitra Utama Tbk PT975440160.1%
50ALTG.NYSEAlta Equipment Group Inc957000000.1%
51S11.BKS 11 Group Public Company Limited954482140.1%
52PL.BKPhatra Leasing Public Company Limited917011110.1%
54KCAR.BKKrungthai Car Rent and Lease Public Company Limited706147230.1%
55ASY.LSEAndrews Sykes Group plc508859950.1%
56BPTR.JKBatavia Prosperindo Trans Tbk PT500930470.1%
57UFUK.ISUfuk Yatirim Yonetim Ve Gayrimenkul AS447839790.0%
58DPA.LSEDP Aircraft I Limited422304340.0%
59D8DU.SGFirst Ship Lease Trust (D8DU.SI365413150.0%
60TRJA.JKTranskon Jaya Pt360594410.0%
611581.HKProgressive Path Group Holdings Ltd330003030.0%
62FPAY.NASDAQFlexShopper Inc298085720.0%
631496.HKAP Rentals Holdings Ltd293601520.0%
64ASAP.BKSynergetic Auto Performance Public Company Limited277927900.0%
65CRANE.BKChukai Public Company Limited245141900.0%
66HRS.WARHerkules S.A.212076830.0%
67AKSI.JKMaming Enam Sembilan Mineral Tbk PT188471120.0%
680936.HKKaisa Capital Investment Holdings Ltd184114050.0%
698425.HKHing Ming Holdings Ltd150323110.0%
70570.SGABUNDANTE LIMITED136278260.0%
710254.HKNational United Resources Holdings Ltd.132778210.0%
72SFI.TOSolution Financial Inc88000690.0%
73AQN.AUAquirian Ltd70091080.0%
74BPP.AUBabylon Pump & Power Ltd68992290.0%
75SIV.AUSiv Capital Ltd51538230.0%
768612.HKWorld Super Holdings Ltd51044820.0%
77CROWN.NSECrown Lifters Limited41483840.0%
78GREENM.COGreenMobility A/S14379160.0%
79CL8.AUCarly Holdings Ltd-20740440.0%
80HEES.NASDAQH&E Equipment Services Inc-318219000-0.3%
81CAR.NASDAQAvis Budget Group Inc-2317000000-2.5%

Most Revenue

Which company has the highest revenue in the Rental & Leasing Services industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdRevenue (TTM)
1URI.NYSEUnited Rentals Inc38362500009.1%
2R.NYSERyder System Inc31675000007.5%
3CAR.NASDAQAvis Budget Group Inc29355000006.9%
4ASHTY.PINKAshtead Gro27449500006.5%
5AHT.LSEAshtead Group PLC27448511826.5%
621W.FRedde Northgate PLC23279235405.5%
7HTZ.NASDAQHertz Global Holdings Inc22622500005.3%
8BRRAY.PINKBarloworld Ltd ADR22546504005.3%
9AER.NYSEAerCap Holdings NV19601552504.6%
10HEES.NASDAQH&E Equipment Services Inc15165830003.6%
11RENT3.SALocaliza Rent a Car S.A14961118333.5%
12000415.SHEBohai Leasing Co Ltd12204122972.9%
13SIX2.XETRASixt SE10125461302.4%
14HRI.NYSEHerc Holdings Inc8920000002.1%
15AL.NYSEAir Lease Corporation6699392501.6%
16PRG.NYSEPROG Holdings Inc6158740001.5%
17WSC.NASDAQWillscot Mobile Mini Holdings Corp A5989295001.4%
181848.HKChina Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Ltd5560283341.3%
19MOVI3.SAMovida Participações S.A5396060591.3%
20SDY.LSESpeedy Hire PLC5300362501.3%
21EHL.AUEmeco Holdings Ltd5119013621.2%
22089860.KOLotte Rental Co Ltd4771617851.1%
23ALTG.NYSEAlta Equipment Group Inc4750000001.1%
24VP.LSEVp plc4682744391.1%
253877.HKCSSC Hong Kong Shipping Co Ltd4663226331.1%
26SGF.AUSG Fleet Group Ltd4529685781.1%
27CTOS.NYSECustom Truck One Source Inc4508235001.1%
28HSS.LSEHSS Hire Group PLC4434046111.0%
29EFN.TOElement Fleet Management Corp3988270560.9%
30GATX.NYSEGATX Corporation3963750000.9%
31FTAI.NASDAQFortress Transp & Infra Inv3900955000.9%
32FTAIO.NASDAQFortress Transportation and Preferred Series B3900955000.9%
332588.HKBOC Aviation Ltd2660687700.6%
34MGRC.NASDAQMcGrath RentCorp2277355000.5%
35TOUP.PATouax SCA2028665400.5%
36ANX.LSEAnexo Group Plc1896691130.4%
37095570.KOAJ Networks Co Ltd1787131580.4%
38603300.SHGZhejiang Huatie Constr Safety1700468850.4%
39WLFC.NASDAQWillis Lease Finance Corporation1248317500.3%
40SFIN.MCXSFI PAO1168649070.3%
41ASSA.JKAdi Sarana Armada Tbk1155003370.3%
424260.SRUnited Int Transportation Company1146051250.3%
44ASY.LSEAndrews Sykes Group plc990243530.2%
45DNA3.LSEDoric Nimrod Air Three Ltd950447710.2%
461581.HKProgressive Path Group Holdings Ltd936887010.2%
47AVAP.LSEAvation PLC894206760.2%
484261.SRTheeb Rent a Car Company SJSC845021790.2%
49SANGHVIMOV.NSESanghvi Movers Limited705130700.2%
51BDI.TOBlack Diamond Group Limited644712370.2%
52MILS3.SAMills Estruturas e Serviços de Engenharia S.A640298090.2%
53TRJA.JKTranskon Jaya Pt606369670.1%
54ASAP.BKSynergetic Auto Performance Public Company Limited542223060.1%
55VAKFN.ISVakif Finansal Kiralama AS462512340.1%
56BPTR.JKBatavia Prosperindo Trans Tbk PT441461410.1%
57AKSI.JKMaming Enam Sembilan Mineral Tbk PT431489510.1%
58FPAY.NASDAQFlexShopper Inc336407520.1%
590936.HKKaisa Capital Investment Holdings Ltd305682200.1%
60SKRN.JKSuperkrane Mitra Utama Tbk PT264100690.1%
61BPP.AUBabylon Pump & Power Ltd259694660.1%
621496.HKAP Rentals Holdings Ltd223854020.1%
631341.HKClear Lift Holdings Ltd222478000.1%
64PL.BKPhatra Leasing Public Company Limited195314340.0%
650254.HKNational United Resources Holdings Ltd.193347530.0%
66KCAR.BKKrungthai Car Rent and Lease Public Company Limited145586560.0%
67AQN.AUAquirian Ltd143519690.0%
688425.HKHing Ming Holdings Ltd138647520.0%
69GREENM.COGreenMobility A/S133052590.0%
70DPA.LSEDP Aircraft I Limited87142490.0%
71SFI.TOSolution Financial Inc86342910.0%
72S11.BKS 11 Group Public Company Limited72469740.0%
73HRS.WARHerkules S.A.66153770.0%
74D8DU.SGFirst Ship Lease Trust (D8DU.SI62779400.0%
75570.SGABUNDANTE LIMITED59198850.0%
76CROWN.NSECrown Lifters Limited32315810.0%
778612.HKWorld Super Holdings Ltd29691740.0%
78CRANE.BKChukai Public Company Limited25442950.0%
79CL8.AUCarly Holdings Ltd22400060.0%
80UFUK.ISUfuk Yatirim Yonetim Ve Gayrimenkul AS8457290.0%
81SIV.AUSiv Capital Ltd3801780.0%

Most Profit

Which company makes the most money in the Rental & Leasing Services industry?

#SymbolCompanyusdProfit (TTM)
1URI.NYSEUnited Rentals Inc64375000024.2%
2AER.NYSEAerCap Holdings NV52465800019.8%
3ASHTY.PINKAshtead Gro38662500014.6%
4AHT.LSEAshtead Group PLC38661108214.6%
53877.HKCSSC Hong Kong Shipping Co Ltd2445465329.2%
6HEES.NASDAQH&E Equipment Services Inc1625460006.1%
721W.FRedde Northgate PLC1587627846.0%
8R.NYSERyder System Inc1222500004.6%
9BRRAY.PINKBarloworld Ltd ADR1022200003.8%
10AL.NYSEAir Lease Corporation1018327503.8%
112588.HKBOC Aviation Ltd982377973.7%
12RENT3.SALocaliza Rent a Car S.A711907312.7%
13GATX.NYSEGATX Corporation710500002.7%
14000415.SHEBohai Leasing Co Ltd694255732.6%
15EFN.TOElement Fleet Management Corp664510772.5%
16SFIN.MCXSFI PAO620339572.3%
17SIX2.XETRASixt SE617840792.3%
18DNA3.LSEDoric Nimrod Air Three Ltd585483312.2%
19MGRC.NASDAQMcGrath RentCorp579330002.2%
20SGF.AUSG Fleet Group Ltd556794812.1%
21HRI.NYSEHerc Holdings Inc527500002.0%
22PRG.NYSEPROG Holdings Inc493122501.9%
23EHL.AUEmeco Holdings Ltd327650521.2%
24603300.SHGZhejiang Huatie Constr Safety248997230.9%
25WLFC.NASDAQWillis Lease Finance Corporation246260000.9%
260254.HKNational United Resources Holdings Ltd.230124560.9%
27ASY.LSEAndrews Sykes Group plc223306850.8%
28SANGHVIMOV.NSESanghvi Movers Limited214253540.8%
29AVAP.LSEAvation PLC197214750.7%
30ANX.LSEAnexo Group Plc192051820.7%
314260.SRUnited Int Transportation Company185529530.7%
32089860.KOLotte Rental Co Ltd149540710.6%
34MILS3.SAMills Estruturas e Serviços de Engenharia S.A123036740.5%
35VAKFN.ISVakif Finansal Kiralama AS113178100.4%
364261.SRTheeb Rent a Car Company SJSC111475900.4%
37SKRN.JKSuperkrane Mitra Utama Tbk PT75824350.3%
38WSC.NASDAQWillscot Mobile Mini Holdings Corp A70322500.3%
39FTAIO.NASDAQFortress Transportation and Preferred Series B61485000.2%
40FTAI.NASDAQFortress Transp & Infra Inv61485000.2%
41D8DU.SGFirst Ship Lease Trust (D8DU.SI61331330.2%
42HSS.LSEHSS Hire Group PLC53814140.2%
43095570.KOAJ Networks Co Ltd53361890.2%
44ASSA.JKAdi Sarana Armada Tbk49543550.2%
45BDI.TOBlack Diamond Group Limited41655300.2%
46TOUP.PATouax SCA37444270.1%
471848.HKChina Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Ltd36337220.1%
48SDY.LSESpeedy Hire PLC33952500.1%
501581.HKProgressive Path Group Holdings Ltd28580060.1%
51BPTR.JKBatavia Prosperindo Trans Tbk PT27186240.1%
52TRJA.JKTranskon Jaya Pt14982280.1%
531496.HKAP Rentals Holdings Ltd13328100.1%
54AKSI.JKMaming Enam Sembilan Mineral Tbk PT11734540.0%
56KCAR.BKKrungthai Car Rent and Lease Public Company Limited7200200.0%
570936.HKKaisa Capital Investment Holdings Ltd6919970.0%
58CROWN.NSECrown Lifters Limited6334090.0%
59PL.BKPhatra Leasing Public Company Limited5065980.0%
60BPP.AUBabylon Pump & Power Ltd3160940.0%
61SFI.TOSolution Financial Inc2450330.0%
62FPAY.NASDAQFlexShopper Inc2258250.0%
63SIV.AUSiv Capital Ltd2227220.0%
648425.HKHing Ming Holdings Ltd-730450.0%
65CRANE.BKChukai Public Company Limited-3228300.0%
66S11.BKS 11 Group Public Company Limited-3414500.0%
67AQN.AUAquirian Ltd-4038070.0%
68HRS.WARHerkules S.A.-5671280.0%
69UFUK.ISUfuk Yatirim Yonetim Ve Gayrimenkul AS-11342160.0%
70ASAP.BKSynergetic Auto Performance Public Company Limited-1593548-0.1%
71DPA.LSEDP Aircraft I Limited-2505687-0.1%
72CL8.AUCarly Holdings Ltd-2599135-0.1%
738612.HKWorld Super Holdings Ltd-4723097-0.2%
74VP.LSEVp plc-6720099-0.3%
75CTOS.NYSECustom Truck One Source Inc-10026750-0.4%
76GREENM.COGreenMobility A/S-10778255-0.4%
77ALTG.NYSEAlta Equipment Group Inc-13350000-0.5%
78MOVI3.SAMovida Participações S.A-17765091-0.7%
791341.HKClear Lift Holdings Ltd-59541800-2.2%
80CAR.NASDAQAvis Budget Group Inc-455250000-17.1%
81HTZ.NASDAQHertz Global Holdings Inc-715500000-26.9%

Most Efficient

Which company is the most efficient in making money in the Rental & Leasing Services industry?

#SymbolCompanyNet Profit Margin (TTM)
10254.HKNational United Resources Holdings Ltd.1.19060.2%
2D8DU.SGFirst Ship Lease Trust (D8DU.SI0.97749.4%
3DNA3.LSEDoric Nimrod Air Three Ltd0.61631.2%
4SIV.AUSiv Capital Ltd0.58629.7%
5SFIN.MCXSFI PAO0.53126.9%
63877.HKCSSC Hong Kong Shipping Co Ltd0.52426.5%
7SKRN.JKSuperkrane Mitra Utama Tbk PT0.37519.0%
82588.HKBOC Aviation Ltd0.36918.7%
9SANGHVIMOV.NSESanghvi Movers Limited0.30415.4%
10AER.NYSEAerCap Holdings NV0.26713.5%
11VAKFN.ISVakif Finansal Kiralama AS0.24012.1%
12MGRC.NASDAQMcGrath RentCorp0.23511.9%
13ASY.LSEAndrews Sykes Group plc0.22611.4%
14AVAP.LSEAvation PLC0.22111.2%
15CROWN.NSECrown Lifters Limited0.1969.9%
16MILS3.SAMills Estruturas e Serviços de Engenharia S.A0.1939.8%
17WLFC.NASDAQWillis Lease Finance Corporation0.1939.8%
18GATX.NYSEGATX Corporation0.1799.1%
19EFN.TOElement Fleet Management Corp0.1688.5%
20URI.NYSEUnited Rentals Inc0.1678.5%
214260.SRUnited Int Transportation Company0.1638.2%
22AL.NYSEAir Lease Corporation0.1537.7%
23603300.SHGZhejiang Huatie Constr Safety0.1477.4%
25AHT.LSEAshtead Group PLC0.1407.1%
26ASHTY.PINKAshtead Gro0.1407.1%
274261.SRTheeb Rent a Car Company SJSC0.1326.7%
29SGF.AUSG Fleet Group Ltd0.1236.2%
30HEES.NASDAQH&E Equipment Services Inc0.1075.4%
31ANX.LSEAnexo Group Plc0.1015.1%
32PRG.NYSEPROG Holdings Inc0.0814.1%
3321W.FRedde Northgate PLC0.0683.4%
34EHL.AUEmeco Holdings Ltd0.0643.2%
35BPTR.JKBatavia Prosperindo Trans Tbk PT0.0623.1%
36BDI.TOBlack Diamond Group Limited0.0623.1%
371496.HKAP Rentals Holdings Ltd0.0603.0%
38HRI.NYSEHerc Holdings Inc0.0603.0%
39000415.SHEBohai Leasing Co Ltd0.0572.9%
40SIX2.XETRASixt SE0.0502.5%
41KCAR.BKKrungthai Car Rent and Lease Public Company Limited0.0492.5%
42RENT3.SALocaliza Rent a Car S.A0.0492.5%
43FTAIO.NASDAQFortress Transportation and Preferred Series B0.0472.4%
44FTAI.NASDAQFortress Transp & Infra Inv0.0472.4%
46BRRAY.PINKBarloworld Ltd ADR0.0452.3%
47ASSA.JKAdi Sarana Armada Tbk0.0402.0%
48R.NYSERyder System Inc0.0392.0%
491581.HKProgressive Path Group Holdings Ltd0.0311.6%
50089860.KOLotte Rental Co Ltd0.0311.6%
51095570.KOAJ Networks Co Ltd0.0301.5%
52SFI.TOSolution Financial Inc0.0281.4%
53AKSI.JKMaming Enam Sembilan Mineral Tbk PT0.0271.4%
54TRJA.JKTranskon Jaya Pt0.0251.3%
55PL.BKPhatra Leasing Public Company Limited0.0251.3%
560936.HKKaisa Capital Investment Holdings Ltd0.0231.2%
57TOUP.PATouax SCA0.0180.9%
58BPP.AUBabylon Pump & Power Ltd0.0120.6%
59WSC.NASDAQWillscot Mobile Mini Holdings Corp A0.0120.6%
60HSS.LSEHSS Hire Group PLC0.0120.6%
611848.HKChina Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Ltd0.0070.4%
62SDY.LSESpeedy Hire PLC0.0060.3%
63FPAY.NASDAQFlexShopper Inc0.0040.2%
648425.HKHing Ming Holdings Ltd-0.005-0.3%
65VP.LSEVp plc-0.014-0.7%
66CTOS.NYSECustom Truck One Source Inc-0.025-1.3%
67AQN.AUAquirian Ltd-0.028-1.4%
68ALTG.NYSEAlta Equipment Group Inc-0.029-1.5%
69MOVI3.SAMovida Participações S.A-0.047-2.4%
70ASAP.BKSynergetic Auto Performance Public Company Limited-0.080-4.0%
71HRS.WARHerkules S.A.-0.086-4.4%
72S11.BKS 11 Group Public Company Limited-0.112-5.7%
73CRANE.BKChukai Public Company Limited-0.160-8.1%
74CAR.NASDAQAvis Budget Group Inc-0.177-9.0%
75DPA.LSEDP Aircraft I Limited-0.288-14.6%
76HTZ.NASDAQHertz Global Holdings Inc-0.302-15.3%
77GREENM.COGreenMobility A/S-0.810-41.0%
78UFUK.ISUfuk Yatirim Yonetim Ve Gayrimenkul AS-0.883-44.7%
79CL8.AUCarly Holdings Ltd-1.160-58.7%
808612.HKWorld Super Holdings Ltd-1.591-80.5%
811341.HKClear Lift Holdings Ltd-2.676-135.4%
SymbolName ExchangeCountrySectorIndustryMost recent quarterFundamental Score 
000415.SHEBohai Leasing Co LtdSHEChinaIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-09-30
0254.HKNational United Resources Holdings Ltd.HKHong KongIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-06-30
089860.KOLotte Rental Co LtdKOKoreaIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-09-30
0936.HKKaisa Capital Investment Holdings LtdHKHong KongIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-06-30
095570.KOAJ Networks Co LtdKOKoreaIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-09-30
1341.HKClear Lift Holdings LtdHKHong KongIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-03-31
1496.HKAP Rentals Holdings LtdHKHong KongIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-03-31
1581.HKProgressive Path Group Holdings LtdHKHong KongIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-03-31
1848.HKChina Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings LtdHKHong KongIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2023-12-31
21W.FRedde Northgate PLCFGermanyIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-04-30
2588.HKBOC Aviation LtdHKHong KongIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-06-30
3877.HKCSSC Hong Kong Shipping Co LtdHKHong KongIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-06-30
4260.SRUnited Int Transportation CompanySRSaudi ArabiaIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-09-30
4261.SRTheeb Rent a Car Company SJSCSRSaudi ArabiaIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-09-30
570.SGABUNDANTE LIMITEDSGSingaporeIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-02-29
5PO.SGHIAP TONG CORPORATION LTD.SGSingaporeIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-03-31
603300.SHGZhejiang Huatie Constr SafetySHGChinaIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-09-30
8425.HKHing Ming Holdings LtdHKHong KongIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2023-09-30
8612.HKWorld Super Holdings LtdHKHong KongIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2023-12-31
AER.NYSEAerCap Holdings NVNYSEUSAIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-12-31
AHT.LSEAshtead Group PLCLSEUKIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-10-31
AKSI.JKMaming Enam Sembilan Mineral Tbk PTJKIndonesiaIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2023-12-31
AL.NYSEAir Lease CorporationNYSEUSAIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-12-31
ALTG.NYSEAlta Equipment Group IncNYSEUSAIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-09-30
ANX.LSEAnexo Group PlcLSEUKIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-06-30
AQN.AUAquirian LtdAUAustraliaIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-06-30
ASAP.BKSynergetic Auto Performance Public Company LimitedBKThailandIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-09-30
ASHTY.PINKAshtead GroPINKUSAIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-10-31
ASSA.JKAdi Sarana Armada TbkJKIndonesiaIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-09-30
ASY.LSEAndrews Sykes Group plcLSEUKIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-06-30
AVAP.LSEAvation PLCLSEUKIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-06-30
BDI.TOBlack Diamond Group LimitedTOCanadaIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-09-30
BPP.AUBabylon Pump & Power LtdAUAustraliaIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-06-30
BPTR.JKBatavia Prosperindo Trans Tbk PTJKIndonesiaIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2023-12-31
BQM.SGTIONG WOON CORP HOLDING LTDSGSingaporeIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-06-30
BRRAY.PINKBarloworld Ltd ADRPINKUSAIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-09-30
CAR.NASDAQAvis Budget Group IncNASDAQUSAIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-12-31
CL8.AUCarly Holdings LtdAUAustraliaIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-06-30
CRANE.BKChukai Public Company LimitedBKThailandIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-09-30
CROWN.NSECrown Lifters LimitedNSEIndiaIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-09-30
CTOS.NYSECustom Truck One Source IncNYSEUSAIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-09-30
CUCA.FAvis Budget Group IncFGermanyIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-09-30
D8DU.SGFirst Ship Lease Trust (D8DU.SISGSingaporeIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-12-31
DNA3.LSEDoric Nimrod Air Three LtdLSEUKIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-09-30
DPA.LSEDP Aircraft I LimitedLSEUKIndustrialsRental & Leasing Services2024-06-30
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Usd Enterprise Value (TTM)

Ev To Sales Ratio (TTM)

Enterprise Value (TTM)

Usd Market Cap (TTM)

Market Cap (TTM)

Price To Free Cash Flow Ratio (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow To Equity Per Share (TTM)

Free Cash Flow To Equity Per Share (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow Per Share (TTM)

Usd Free Cash Flow (TTM)

Free Cash Flow Per Share (TTM)

Usd Eps (TTM)

Usd Total Gains Per Share (TTM)

Usd Dividend Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value Change Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value Per Share (TTM)

Usd Price Per Share (TTM)

Usd Revenue (TTM)

Price To Total Gains Ratio (TTM)

Total Gains Per Share (TTM)

Book Value Change Per Share (TTM)

Dividend Per Share (TTM)

Usd Book Value (TTM)

Usd Profit (TTM)

Price Per Share (TTM)

Pb Ratio (TTM)

Return On Equity (TTM)

Return On Assets (TTM)

Operating Ratio (TTM)

Gross Profit Margin (TTM)

Operating Margin (TTM)

Net Profit Margin (TTM)

Debt To Equity Ratio (TTM)

Debt To Asset Ratio (TTM)

Quick Ratio (TTM)

Current Ratio (TTM)

Book Value Per Share (TTM)

Pe Ratio (TTM)

Eps (TTM)

Ev To Ebitda Ratio (TTM)


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